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Oakley Design Carbon Fiber Rear Diffuser Lamborghini Aventador LP760 11+

Oakley Design Carbon Fiber Rear Diffuser Lamborghini Aventador LP760 11+

Model: OD/LP700/CFA/012g

Производитель: Oakley

The fantastic shape and design of the Lamborghini Aventador is considered to some one of the best Lamborghini designs released in the last decade. To compliment this design even further, Oakley Design individual aerodynamic components are based on extensive wind tunnel testing to achieve the optimal aerodynamic form and function. In the development of these components, there is also a lot of emphasis placed on the aesthetics of the individual parts so that the visual design accents do not drastically change the fundamentals of the vehicle.

The Oakley Design Carbon Fiber Rear Diffuser for the Lamborghini Aventador replaces the factory diffuser to add visual appeal without increasing weight, while increasing the already acceptional factory aerodynamics. This diffuser helps air escape from underneath the car, eliminating lift and producing much needed downforce at high speeds.


-Lamborghini Aventador LP760 11+


-100% Carbon Fiber construction
-Produces downforce at high speeds
-Visual upgrade without adding weight

Цена: 10125.00$


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